Entitled "Hey Hypocrite! Time to Admit It!"
"Have you been living a double standard? Are you living in hypocrisy? Do you spend your time condemning that, which you may not fully understand and then living your own life by less than the high standards that you demand of others? Have you considered that in your life, marriage, family, career or even religious faith if you are into it, that you are not holding up the values you promised yourself or had originally committed too? Well then I say to you; Hey Hypocrite, Time to Admit it!
It is an innate human characteristic to want more than one has. It is a human motif to try to get more and work less. Most human societies agree to live at a higher standard, but most individuals in the society normally do not. If most in a human civilization do not achieve a higher personal standard then a degradation of that civilization or backslide occurs.
If we look around the world we can see this in many Nations. It is up to every American to set an example and to move beyond hypocrisy and actually stand for something and when we say WE; that goes for every American, well that means you too you see? Too often we see people complaining about various things and yet when we further scrutinize their personal lives, what do we find? Generally we find hypocrisy and it is not so difficult to find. Can’t you humans do better than that? Consider this in 2006.
Courtesy: Lance Winslow"
So yeah. Those are some pretty powerful words. And I stand by them very firmly. The Rock that I stand on isn't going anywhere. I know you all probably think I'm nuts or have gone off the deep end...but the contrary is what's really true. I challenge everybody to just try to do what that article suggested for one day. And if you like how you feel at the end of the day---go to sleep knowing that it doesn't HAVE to be the way it is. I want people to start getting excited more about life in general. There are big months ahead folks...just you wait. There's a fire starting, kids... and I know exactly what it's lighting up.
You can do anything. I believe in you.
By Jess McCoy, at Sun Aug 20, 01:35:00 AM 2006
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