Don't you hate those days when you wake up and continually set your alarm half an hour later? "Oh I can hit snooze just one more time..."Yeah those days are happening more and more. I need to make sure to not get into a habit of doing that again. I'm finding more and more that if I get up early I feel better throughout the day.
The weather is back in Pittsburgh mode--I suppose we can expect snow within a week or so and then bouncing the temperature back up to somewhere near 80.
Our campus is hosting the Nintendo Fusion Tour. It's happening on October 7th in the Schenley Quad. If you're not familiar with what it is, Nintendo is sponsoring a tour with Hawthorne Heights, Relient K, as well as a few other bands. They'll be playing for free and also offering students and guests one of the first opportunities to test out Nintendo's new system, the Wii.
Sounds like it should be a good time--it starts at 12 PM on Saturday. Hope to see you guys there!
And now back to the fact that I have a paper due in two hours that I'm not done with yet.
Procrastination is greattttt.