Time slips by unnoticed
It's been a good while since I've posted much of anything at all. Seeing as I have literally nothing else to do and my plans for the evening have come tumbling down, I figured I may as well write. So for those of you who haven't been paying any attention to anything I've mentioned, I moved to Syracuse for a job. I think it's finally starting to catch up to me that I literally dropped everything and left it all behind me. I've never been one to really think of all the angles before going forward based on my faith that it'll all work out...but in all honesty that's always worked out the best for me I think. However, that kind of lifestyle is assuredly not without it's own consequences. My finances, friendships, and my sanity have suffered their fair share of those consequences. I've only been up here two weeks and I miss being at home. I miss the social interaction that I was constantly surrounded with. Here the only social interaction I have is minimal and occurs during the week at work with random Sears associates. Since I don't work directly for Sears and we just work for the factories that sell their products in Sears, I don't have to really answer to anybody. While this definitely has its perks it isn't without its negatives also. The lack of socializing is something that I'm definitely not used to. I have nobody to talk to up here. I've been praying a lot and building up my faith in the mean time, which is obviously a perk for me since it's something that I've wanted to work on for a long time but in the college environment it surely wasn't something that was easy to do. However I feel like now that I'm out on my own, my only option is to just hang onto my faith as much as I can to keep from having a complete mental breakdown. I miss my girlfriend more and more every day, and just the other day found out that she'll be going to Italy for a semester abroad. While I understand that this is a phenomenal opportunity for her (one that I'm insanely jealous of), I'm having a hard time keeping my selfishness at bay.
I know that I put her through a similar predicament when I up and moved to Syracuse for work...but I plan on visiting a lot back to Pittsburgh. Italy is a different story. That and the international phone charges and all that will make for very difficult times. I really hope I make some friends up here soon. It's just hard because I've never been in a situation like this before. I have no idea what to do or where to start. I miss you all so much more than I honestly thought I would. I've gotten a few phone calls and messages that have really hit home for me and made me realize what I left behind---everything. Pushing forward is the only thing I know how to do and I don't plan on looking back--it's not in me to do that, it never was. I just pray that I make it alright and don't go crazy without having people to talk to or hang out with up here.
With all the traveling I do, it definitely keeps the job interesting. To drive from one corner of my territory to the other would take approximately ten and a half hours. So yeah, it's pretty extensive. It's not so bad though...I get to stay in hotels usually 3 or 4 nights a week and when I'm on the road the company reimburses me for all my food and hotel expenses and they pay for all my gas and it's a company vehicle also. Ultimately it's a great job for me. I like my privacy and alone time. But like I said, I also am not used to having it all the time.
If anybody knows any interesting or fun people in the Syracuse/upstate New York area please let me know. I'm dying for intelligent person-to-person conversation.
Gotta crawl before I can walk. But it sure feels like I've been crawling for a long time.
9:46 PM ::
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ryan :: permalink

hey. i definitely can relate to what your feeling about up and moving. i felt the SAME way when i moved to philly the first time. i stayed for a bit and then decided i left pittsburgh too suddenly and then i returned there. it only took about a week back in the burgh that i realized that i had left it for a reason. ..and now im back in philly and i wouldn't leave for anything!!
By , at Fri Mar 16, 07:58:00 PM 2007
just remember: no matter where you go, there you are..
i wish you the best ryan <3
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